
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Vixen becomes an official Therapy Dog!!

For years, I have described the PEAK Dogs and Therapeutic Education Dogs, since I carry my own personal liability insurance, which is the main benefit for getting the therapy dog certification.  But I know that schools, and other facilities are used to only allowing "Certified Therapy Dogs" into their buildings, so I decided to ahead and get her tested.  But I had some philosophical issues with the way some of the common testing organizations worked.  No food allowed in-between exercises, very artificial set ups and the idea that no food would be allowed in actual a positive trainer, this was very against my way of working,  so I looked of a testing organization whose testing techniques aligned with my way of training and working with my dogs. 

So I was excited when I found an organization called Alliance of Therapy Dogs .  I was able to meet with the tester individually, and we testing in real life situations, in a pet shop, in a school, in a medical/nursing home know...where therapy dogs will ACTUALLY be working!!!  Plus something that I didn't need, but thought was a great benefit, was the ability to use a "head halter" during the test and in visits... So I will be looking to ways to offer training/testing using ATD.

Now...I can simply say...YES, VIXEN IS A THERAPY DOG!!

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